A 7-Day Challenge - Brand Genesis

A 7-Day Challenge to Uncover the Brand Genesis System

A framework that top-brands like Apple, Nike, Lululemon helped to shape their brand. Passed over to you. (the same system I used to create a brand to 6000+ customers)

Hero Video

What you will learn in the next 7 days

With teachings from Chip Wilson (founder of Lululemon), Tommy Hilfiger, Steve Jobs & other great founders.

Day 1 - Introduction & Hedgehog Concept

A introduction to our community & starting with why. The hedgehog concept a concept from good to great by Jim Collins.

Day 2 - Uncover Your Zone of Genius & Superpower

Building on what you learned in day 1, we will dive into your zone of genius.

Day 3 - Micro Niche to Macro Cultural Trends

A deep dive into your niche & understanding the greater trends around your specific target demographic.

Day 4 - Defining your Brand Identity & Brand Aura

What feeling, sensations & vibe does your brand evoke?

Day 5 - How to Build to Sell

Understanding the core customers to design what they want & how to be unbiased in creation.

Day 6 - The Principles of Great Brands in the 2.0 Era

A deep dive into the principles of great brands & how to apply them to your brand.

Day 7 - The 2.0 Identity & the Roadmap Ahead

How to actualize your brand & embody the new founder identity.

Join 100+ members building a new digital era

For digital brand builders seeking to build strong digital brands in the modern era.